Class RewriterBase<T extends Protocol<?,?,?,?>>

All Implemented Interfaces:
MappingDataListener, Rewriter<T>

public abstract class RewriterBase<T extends Protocol<?,?,?,?>> extends Object implements Rewriter<T>
  • Field Details

    • protocol

      protected final T extends Protocol<?,?,?,?> protocol
  • Constructor Details

    • RewriterBase

      protected RewriterBase(T protocol)
  • Method Details

    • register

      public final void register()
      Description copied from interface: Rewriter
      Registers any packet handlers or rewrites needed.
      Specified by:
      register in interface Rewriter<T extends Protocol<?,?,?,?>>
    • registerPackets

      protected void registerPackets()
      To be overriden. Called when registering the rewriter.
    • registerRewrites

      protected void registerRewrites()
      To be overriden. Called when registering the rewriter.
    • protocol

      public T protocol()
      Description copied from interface: Rewriter
      Returns the Protocol instance of this rewriter.
      Specified by:
      protocol in interface Rewriter<T extends Protocol<?,?,?,?>>
      protocol of the rewriter