Interface LegacyViaAPI<T>

Type Parameters:
T - player type

public interface LegacyViaAPI<T>
API only applicable on or to legacy versions of Minecraft.
  • Method Details

    • createLegacyBossBar

      BossBar createLegacyBossBar(String title, float health, BossColor color, BossStyle style)
      Creates a new bossbar instance. This only works on pre 1.9 servers for 1.9+ clients.
      title - title
      health - health, between 0 and 1 (inclusive)
      color - color
      style - style
      new bossbar instance
    • createLegacyBossBar

      default BossBar createLegacyBossBar(String title, BossColor color, BossStyle style)
      Creates a new bossbar instance with full health. This only works on pre 1.9 servers for 1.9+ clients.
      title - title
      color - color
      style - style
      new bossbar instance